Thursday, February 23, 2006

Break is almost over... :(

Well today is Thursday and my break is basically over and it makes me sad. I can't wait until summer break!!

I got up at 9am this morning and ate a bagel for breakfast with some oj and then hopped in the shower and got ready for my pedicure appointment. My toes look so cute now! I wore flip-flops to the salon because I didn't want my polish to get ruined by socks or shoes. I was done by noon which is a good thing since I was meeting mom for lunch!

My mom and I met at P.F.Changs for lunch. I read something from Beckie that said something about scallops at P.F.Changs, I thought she said sweet and sour scallops. Well it wasn't on the menu but the server said they could make me some-- no problem. We started with chicken lettuce wraps... soooooooo good. Then our food came out and I can't even begin to describe how absolutely delicious my food was.

Mom and I parted ways and I came home and watched the True Life: I'm a Competitive Eater that I DVR'd the other night. It was interesting. After that I came up here and saw that Jerry got my message that I left him on myspace about putting his song back on for me, so I switched songs and now I've got that happy song on my myspace page and I love it!!

I've just been chillin up here with Neddy listening to my current playlist of 700+ songs. Neil Diamond is on right now and I'm lovin' it!!

Steve just walked through the door so I'm gonna jet. Talk to ya soon!



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