On Saturday morning we got up early and drove to Indianapolis, Indiana for a BBQ at Steve's dad's girlfriend Sue Ann's house. It was enjoyable. Steve and I were wearing our Tiger gear (the Tigers were playing at night) and we were excited to meet Sue Ann's friends and family. We had a "Low Country Boil" for dinner (kielbasa, potatoes, shrimp and corn all in a pot with spices and stuff and it boils for a few hours). It was the same stuff that Steve and I had when we went camping in May.
We got to Steve's dad's house kinda late on Saturday night (after the BBQ). We went straight to bed. We got up very early on Sunday and went to Bob Evan's for breakfast. Then we headed home to Michigan. It was a quick weekend.
On Monday Steve came home from work and I begged him to take me to Outback for dinner. We went because he was leaving for Savannah, Georgia on Tuesday for a conference. He left Tuesday morning for the conference and arrived around 1:00 or so. He e-mailed me at work to tell me that he arrived and that he'd call me later. When he called around 6ish he said that he felt terrible and was going to stay in for the night (instead of going to dinner with some colleagues). We said goodnight and then at 7:15am on Wednesday he called me to tell me that he was coming home. I was shocked! He said that he felt absolutely awful and wasn't going to stay there all week feeling like he did.
He called me at work on Wednesday around 5:45 and asked if I was on my way home or not. I said that I had more work to do and he said that he was going to go to Canton's Urgent Care. I said I'd come home right away and take him. We got to Urgent Care around 6:45 and we were there past 8:00. We went to fill his perscription and then we stopped and got Chinese carry-out. We have no idea what Steve has... but the doctor prescribed the Z-Pack (Zithromycin) and said that regardless of what he has, the Z-Pack will knock out anything.
We watched the Tigers lose the World Series last night (Friday the 27th). I was sad, but very proud of the Tigers. They have had one hell of a season and I couldn't be more proud of them. I would have loved to see them win, but honestly, St. Louis hasn't won a series since 1982... AND they've been to the World Series THREE times and didn't win any!! I was glad to see them win, knowing that our time is coming again. Everyone deserves a happy ending right? I just hope that all the fair-weather fans fall off the bus and leave us TRUE fans alone. I like being able to get tickets and enjoy myself at the ball park!!
Anyway, I can't believe that Halloween is Tuesday!! We're having the MEAP Tailgate (all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders) from 12:00-1:30 and then from 2:00-2:15 is the Halloween parade and then 2:15-3:45 is our party! We're going to watch Monster House (maybe) and then party!! Should be a fun day!!
Until next week...
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