What A Week!

On Sunday night my mom called me at 9:30pm to let me know that Heather's grandma had passed away and that she and Dave and the kids were on their way to Michigan for the viewing and funeral. She said that they were driving, but they'd be arriving on Monday night. I got so excited that I'd be able to see Dave, Heather and the kids!!
Well... Monday came and went and they didn't come. They ended up making it to our place Tuesday evening around 5:30 or so. It was so awesome to see Eamon and Aine!!! They're getting so big!! We had Chinese and then I went with Heather to the mall for her to get something to wear to her grandmother's funeral. Heather looks amazing! She's been running and really looks great!
They left on Wednesday for the night and came home Thursday afternoon. I took Friday off so that I'd have a day to spend with them before they drove back to Phoenix. We had Mr. Pizza for dinner and my mom and dad came over to spend some time with them.
Friday we got up and went to Jungle Java (it's a very cool place for kids to play and climb). After going there we went to Discount Tire for Dave to get the tires rotated before driving back. We met dad at Mongolian BBQ for lunch and then came back to the house and just hung out for a while. We watched the wedding video (Dave and Heather were not able to come back in August for our BBQ) and then we went to Outback Steakhouse (my favorite) for dinner. We met Scott and his friend Emily there for dinner. It was a nice meal... we came home and then mom and dad left and me, Steve, Heather and Dave stayed up pretty late talking. It made me realize how much I miss seeing them and being around them. :(
They left early Saturday (7:45) morning and we got to say our goodbyes. Steve and I had Main Dish at noon... my mom and dad were there, and we saw Matt and Aimee (she looks so damn cute) and then Kylie was there with her mom as well. After Main Dish we came home and just relaxed and watched a TON of television.
Sunday was spend doing much of the same... doing nothing. I had EC at 4pm and Holly came over and picked me up. I got to see the new union at EMU and it was nice, but didn't really look like a union to me. I'm biased I suppose... but it looked more like a hospital than a union! Anyway, I came home and we had Taco Bell (it'd been a while) for dinner.
This morning I got up and went to my OBGYN appointment. I talked to her about maybe us starting a family and she gave me a prescription for pre-natal vitamins. She also wants me to get blood taken so they can check for all kinds of things (normal things that they look for when you're pregnant/trying). So... I want to lose like 20-30 pounds before we start seriously trying to have a baby. I am going to talk to a dietician for more information, but she said that it's a decision that we have to make together and when we think it's the right time, then that's the time. She just said to start taking the pre-natal vitamins one month before we start seriously trying.
I watched the show In The Womb last night on the National Geographic channel. It was absolutely amazing to watch the babies (twins, triplets and quads) in the womb. :)
Okay... enough for now. I'm ready to relax and just chill out for a bit before going back to work tomorrow. Until next time...