Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mood: Motivated
Well... my vacation is officially over. I can't really complain because I had a great three weeks and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. I didn't have to go anywhere or do anything and it was refreshing. I can't say that I am ready to go back either.
There have been some issues at work with different personality types clashing. I had hoped that for the 2008-2009 school year there'd be some changes within my grade level. Basically, people moving to new grade levels and bringing in some new people to balance things out. Well, it's not going to happen. Basically, the same problems that we've had all year are going to continue next year. Katie is leaving (which I am so sad about) and the person coming into her place is a "good friend" of my principal. It's never a good sign when the person coming in is "good friends" with the boss. I think she might be a spy. LOL.
I went into work yesterday at 4:00 to set up my room. It was the first time that I had set foot in the building for three weeks. It was great!!! The longest that I've gone without having to go in for something.
Steve came in to help me and I have to say I am so lucky to have him. I could NOT have set up my room without his help. He's always there to help with the take down and set up. I am very lucky because I never see other husbands there to help their wives.
So my room is set up and I like how I changed it. It's a little different than usual and we'll see how it works. I took some pictures, so be sure to check out the website (tour our room) to see how it looks.
I am praying that I won't have to track out every track out. If the numbers are too high I'll have to move every quarter. I won't have a room to store my things, so I'll have to bring home a BUNCH of books. It'll be really upsetting because my kids really love having so many books to choose from.
Anyway, I'm still waiting for the results of the writing test that we took in March. I have six weeks left in this school year and then we start all over again. Not sure how that's going to work... I am so used to having a summer between classes. It'll be so weird to go from my kids that are basically 5th graders to new 4th graders that are still practically 3rd graders.
I'll keep you posted on how it all goes. Until next time...

This week my parents FINALLY came down to visit! I was so excited to see them both. Steve and I went up to Michigan in December for Christmas, but we didn't really get to spend quality time with them because we were only there for two days and then had to get back down to Indiana for his dad's wedding. This time they were here from Saturday through Friday morning. It was wonderful!
Sunday (May 4th) we drove over to Morrisville and RTP so my mom could see where Steve works. We had lunch at Two Guys Grill and then we drove over to Burt's. She got to go inside and see how all the Burt's Bees products are made and packed. Steve got to show them his office and then we drove over to the distribution center. I had never been inside, and man was it HUGE!! They have row upon row of shelves that go straight to the ceiling and they'll all filled with boxes ready to be shipped. There were several rows just for Target stores. It was very cool. We also got to see how the internet orders are filled.
After our trip to Burt's we came home and made dinner. We gave my mom and dad their combined Mother's Day and Father's Day gift... a Wii. My mom wasn't as excited as my dad, but they really liked it. Steve and I were so excited to actually find one and be able to buy it for them. After dinner I showed my parents my skills on Guitar Hero and beat the game for a second time. My dad played as well and he seemed to really like it. He wasn't very good (lol) but he had fun trying.
Steve took Monday off work and we decided to drive to Chapel Hill for lunch. I came down to UNC back in 1998 for a Relay for Life event with the Chapel Hill chapter of Phi Sigma Pi. It was enjoyable, but we only spent one night on campus. Anyway, we ended up having lunch at Top of the Hill. It was really, really good. We had a beer sampler and my mom and I weren't very fond of any of the beers, but Steve and my dad enjoyed them. We drove around campus and then decided to head over to Durham to see Duke's campus.
Unfortunately, there was something big happening on campus, so we weren't able to see much. We did drive a little and what we did see was absolutely beautiful. I've decided that UNC reminds me of U of M.
Monday night we went grocery shopping and got some scallops and shrimp to grill for dinner. It ended up being absolutely WONDERFUL! Steve did an outstanding job grilling!!
Steve had to work on Tuesday and my dad was really eager to go for a bike ride, so while he did that, my mom and I went to the Carolina Ale House and had lunch. Then we went to the movies and saw Made of Honor. It was cute. I really had fun spending the day with my mom. We went to DSW after and I found a cute pair of flip-flops that I got for $16. Then we went to Old Navy to look around... didn't buy anything though. After shopping there we went to Wal-Mart and my mom found a bunch of stuff that she wanted.
After Steve got home we went to our favorite Mexican place for dinner. My parents really seemed to enjoy their dinners. After dinner we drove over to Bass Lake and showed my parents the lake, then we drove to Sonic for dessert.
Wednesday Steve was off work again and we decided to take my parents to the beach for the day. Our original plan was to drive to Beaufort, but instead we ended up driving to Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach. We had lunch in Wilmington at a place called Fat Tony's Italian Pub. The food was okay... then we drove over to the Battleship, USS North Carolina. Steve and my dad went inside while my mom and I sat in their consession area and had something to drink and munch on while they were inside. They were inside for about two and a half hours... I was getting very annoyed that our whole day was wasted sitting inside a stupid consessions area while they were inside the ship. After they came out, we went to the beach (finally).

After dinner we decided to get some ice cream. We ended up at Kohl's Custard. It was really good. We also went to the surf shop next door and got some goodies. I got a cute shell bracelet and then mom and dad got Gunnar a pirate hat and t-shirt. I'm sure he'll love it.