Happy Birthday to Steve!!!
Today Steve turned 31 and we celebrated by doing absolutely nothing all day! You know you're getting old when doing nothing all day is the perfect day! On Friday night we went to Toldeo, Ohio to see the Friends of Bob and Tom comedy show. It was really funny and we ended up getting home around 1:30am.
Saturday afternoon my mom came over and she and I went to Big Boys for lunch and then drove out to Ann Arbor to the teacher's store out there since the one in Westland kinda stinks. We also went to Best Buy and I picked up Eminem's newest cd Curtain Call. Saturday night we met my mom and dad and Fr. Terry at Pizza Papalis in Dearborn for some tasty pizza. We came home and just kinda hung out and then went to bed.
This morning we got up and had breakfast and then literally did nothing. Steve read the paper and I read People and watched all the shows that I've been DVRing all week. We went grocery shopping, came home and made dinner (Steve wanted Spam, I think it's gross so I had a frozen dinner) and then watched television. We're about to go to bed here shortly.
We did file our tax returns already and we're both really excited because we'll be able to pay off the credit card and put a lot into savings for the wedding and we'll be 100% credit card free going into our marriage!!! YAY!!! Not many couples can say that so we're excited.
Anyway-- it was a good weekend and I'm ready to head back to school. I feel like I'm just living for the weekend. I dread Mondays... and live for Fridays. Part of that is because I get to wear jeans on Fridays. Another part is that my class just wears me out. I'm just ready for mid-winter break (15 more school days) and then spring break and then summer break!!!
Peace out for now-
Open Adoption Bloggers Interview Project 2013
11 years ago
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