Getting Ready For Christmas
This weekend I went Christmas shopping with my mom. I was able to get Steve something (he already knows all the things that he's getting) that will surprise him. We got Dave and Heather and the kids their present and had it mailed to them, and I got mom part of her present. We've got to get my dad, Scott, and finish my mom and then get stocking stuff and we're done.
We went to the Lions game last night. It was very interesting. Steve loves the Bengals and going to the game was one of his presents. It was a sea of orange and black, not at all what you'd expect from a Lions game. The fans were wearing orange to protest the management. I wore orange because I love orange!
Anyway-- today we went to Mongolian BBQ for lunch with mom and then went back to her work and Steve helped fix her computer. We were there for a long time and then came home and made dinner. It was pretty much a wasted day (did nothing) but that's what vacation is all about!
Tomorrow I've got a dentist appointment (that I cancelled but I guess they didn't cancel it) and I am so freaked out about it. I HATE going... and I'm so upset about it! I've got a pedicure appointment for tomorrow as well.
We're going to Ohio on Thursday so that should be interesting. I'm supposed to go Christmas shopping with my dad on Wednesday and I don't know what time. I'd like to see the girls (they're all getting together on Wednesday) but it'll depend on what time I go with dad and what time we're leaving on Thursday.
Anyway-- just posting the latest news. Not much I know... I did teach myself new cursive today. We're piloting Cursive Without Tears at my school and I figured I better learn it now so I can teach it properly to my class. It looks so weird to me... almost like printing!! Here's a link to the site!
Open Adoption Bloggers Interview Project 2013
11 years ago
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