Today I cleaned the house (finally) and just need to vacuum and it'll be all set. Then I watched Sex in the City. It was actually an enjoyable movie. I never got into the series (no HBO) but I thought it was a good movie.
I returned a pair of shorts via the USPS and then came home and had lunch. I watched The Hills from Monday night. Which made me think about Family Guy from Sunday. If you didn't see it, it was soooo funny! It was all about Lauren Conrad (she dates Brian) and how she really is smart, but has to play like she's dumb on television for the show. Brody Jenner was on it and so was Heidi and Spencer and Audrena. Very funny.
Anyway, The Hills was very good (of course) and then I watched Gossip Girl from Monday night. It was okay... not the best episode, but not bad. I just wish Rufus and Lily would get engaged already! LOL
Lastly, I watched College Life from Monday night. The one guy FINALLY got kicked out of his dorm-- which made me happy because he's a tool.
Ahhh... this is my last Tuesday of freedom. I go back to work a week from tomorrow. I am kinda dreading it. I love teaching, but the last six weeks of the year is the WORSE and then throw in EOGs and starting a new year and then the first three weeks of a new year... I'll be amazed if I am still alive in July for the next track out.
Heavy sigh...
Until next time...
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