Monday, May 09, 2011

Photo Challenge: Motherhood

The theme for this week's photo challenge is "Motherhood" and I immediately thought of this picture. I would have posted something of me and Gus, but then someone else would have taken it, so I thought of other moms that I've photographed.

This beautiful picture is of my twin brother's family. My SIL Christie is pregnant (and due next week), so I love that my twin's hands are on her belly. Then the gray arms belong to my nephew Alex and then the little girl looking up at the belly is my tiny niece Lily. We're so eager to welcome baby Charlotte (we'll be calling her Charlie) and I love that this picture captures my SIL's pregnancy in a very special way!


Linda King said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Looks like everyone is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new family member! I can feel the anticipation in the image!

Lisa @ MMT said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

How great! You can tell they can't wait to meet the new baby :)

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