Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Year of Gratitude #120

A Year of Gratitude #120: Six Pounds

I got up this morning and weighed myself for my weekly weigh-in. I had a really good feeling that I lost, but I wasn't sure how much. When I saw my number... it was six less than last week. That means I am six pounds closer to my goal... and six pounds away from my heaviest. I am determined to never go back to my weight as of last Sunday.

I'm thankful that I was able to see my hard work pay off. I know there will be weeks when I weigh-in and I don't see any movement on the scale, or heaven help me, it'll say I gained. With everything worth doing right, there will be challenges. I will face difficult decisions and have to pay for my choices. I pray for strength and motivation to stay on the positive side of this and to always have a positive attitude. I honestly believe having the will power and support of others is what will get me through my tough phases and back on track for accomplishing my goals.

I have to go one day at a time and one week at a time when it comes to this journey. If I stand back and think about the BIG picture (and it's quite a BIG picture friends)... I am overwhelmed and scared. So instead, I focus on each day and one week at a time. 

This week I am starting the Couch 2 5K program and while I am a little nervous about it, I know that I just need to face it as it comes. I will focus on Monday and getting through my very first training and that's all I am going to think about. Then I'll worry about day two of training.

I think if I can stay focused, I'll be able to stay in this for the long haul. I am very realistic about how long this is going to take... and according to my Lose It app, I will reach the first goal for my weight-loss in April of 2013. That's just under a year from now... and a year brings a lot of things. Once I reach my goal (and who knows, it could be sooner that I'm able to reach that first goal), I have another goal that will be much harder to reach. 

I'm determined to just go with the flow and let things progress naturally. I didn't get where I am over night, and it's not going to come off over night. 

I'm asking for prayers that I can stay motivated, inspired, and focused. For those things... I am most grateful. 

I lost six pounds. I am six pounds lighter. I am six pounds closer to health. I am six pounds down... and it's a hell of a lot better than gaining. :-)


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Way to go, Cathy. Focus on how you feel not always on the scale and you will be fine.

Kat said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Super proud of you! Keep up the great work!

WendyandRyan said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Awesome Cathy!! You are an amazing person, no matter what weight. I miss you so much!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Girl, I am so proud of you! This is such a huge journey and your attitude about it is so wonderful! I'm so glad you had a great week this week and yes, there will be rough patches, but your determination will push you through. Keep up the great work!

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