We hit the road again on Friday morning around 8am. It's always sad to say goodbye to my parents, but we are hoping to see them in December.
Gus did great on the way from Michigan to Indiana. It was a little more than four hours and we stopped at a Dayton area Meijer and got Gus a Bengals t-shirt.

We stopped in Findlay fir gas and Steve took us by the university so I could see where he went for grad school. It's a cute little campus.

We had White Castle for lunch (a treat since there aren't WC's in NC).

We arrived a little after 1:00 and then took naps. We headed to a cute place for dinner and then when we got home, Gus and Steve went for a swim while I crawled into bed.

Steve installing Gus's car seat in the minivan that my in-laws borrowed.

Where we had dinner
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