Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sunday, November 01, 2009
Today is the day that my Grandma Burney passed away five years ago. It's insane to think that it's been five years since she passed. I thought about her this morning when I was getting up. I also thought about my mom and how hard it must be for her since it was her mom. I don't even want to think about losing her and how it must feel to not have your parents around. I am so blessed to have my parents. My relationship with my dad is the best that it's ever been, and my relationship with my mom just continues to grow and develop into more than just mother/daughter- but even more and even deeper. I have two brothers who I can depend on for anything, and they have partners that I couldn't have picked any better myself. I am blessed with three nephews and two beautiful nieces and everything is wonderful.
Anyway- I went to the eye doctor yesterday. The last time I went and had my eyes checked was December of 1996. Crazy to think that it's been almost three years already! I had the glaucoma test and then they dialated my eyes. I have to have my prescription updated-- and I am getting progressive lenses. Saying progressive lenses is a nice way of saying bi-focals. LOL. I'm actually kind of excited because I can't really see and the current prescription is for driving and reading and the new glasses will be for all the time. I'll be able to see! I think the frames are cute too (my eyes were dialated so I honestly don't know if they're cute or not!). I get to pick them up on Saturday.
Yesterday was Halloween and we had a TON of kids come to our house! We had our spooky music and strobe light, and then while we were in Michigan, we picked up these awesome window things that glow. You'd have to see a picture to understand, but we had two pumpkins and two skulls. It looked pretty awesome.
While we were getting ready for the kids to start coming, we met our new neighbors (they live across the street). Their names are Wendy and Ryan and they have two little girls. Anyway, Ryan took the kids trick-or-treating and then after a bit Wendy came over and was passing out candy at our house with us. She was really nice. She's from Garner and he's from Rochester, NY. It was nice to meet new people and hopefully we'll hang out with them again some time!
Steve got back from New Mexico on Friday. He was gone from Tuesday morning until Friday afternoon. While he was gone, I tackled the other guest room (the one filled with my teacher stuff in boxes). I moved my C4 stuff into that room and hopefully that'll become the new guest room and when it's time, we can make the current guest room into a nursery. I'm ready to do that now... but without a baby that could be a problem. :)
We're just about ready to send in our preliminary application for adoption. Steve has to finish his portion and then we're on our way! Hopefully they'll accept us, and then we schedule a home visit and then after that, we submit the official application and do background checks. Then we make a family page on the website with pictures and stuff and we wait and pray that we'll get a baby!
I still have another week left of my vacation and I am excited! Steve loaded Windows 7 on our computers this weekend, and I hope to get my newsletter done early. I go in on Friday to set up my room. I am a little stressed, but I think as long as I can get someone to help me move stuff, I'll be okay.
Until next time...

Monday, October 26, 2009
So while visiting my family in Michigan, my mom had mentioned to me that she and my Aunt Margie had gone to a psychic for a reading. Before we had even gone to MI, I had wanted to see about going to see a psychic while there.
The last psychic that I saw (Nancy Rose Gerler) had told me that I'd meet Steve, so I am definitely open to what they have to say. I wanted to see someone about family issues (the inability to get pregnant) and see what they saw for us.
Anyway, I was given a tape of the session, and today decided to take some notes on what Rachel (the psychic) had to say. First, we went to the Boston Tea Room and I had a 5:00 appointment. Steve was not happy about it... in fact, he practically threw a temper tantrum about me pissing away $40. Anyway...
Here's what she had to say (this is coming from my notes):
Palm Reading
- I have a strong life line with upsweeping motions which indicate positive and good changes coming into play
- I am currently at the first of two change lines which means that there are changes about to take place in the near future. The second change line shows that within the next year to year and a half, there will be additional changes in my life.
- I have a split point in my life, at approximately age 48. This could mean menopause, or other health aspects.
- My love line is strong with some fraying, which indicates that I am an emotional person and I need to be pulled back into check every once and a while. My emotions can easily get the best of me. SO TRUE!!!
- My head line is balanced which indicates that I am smart and can handle several things on my plate at one time. I am seen as a valued individual at work.
- I have a bit of a writer's line which means that journaling and writing helps me manage stress and tension. I also find peace and grow when I write and reflect on my thoughts. Absolutely!
- I have a slight psychic cross which would indicate that I have some natural psychic ability. I should always trust my instincts and follow my intuition.
- I have two marriage lines in my palm. Yes! At least I got it right the second time around!!
- I also have the opportunity for two children with a third line that's thinner. The two children lines are deeper while the third is not as deep. It could represent a child that's non biological, lost opportunity due to birth control, or a miscarrage. I thought this was so very interesting!!
- I have a spirit line that shows coming into my life in my 20s. I'll maintain a connection to this particular spirit through my 45 year.
After she read my palm, she did a tarot card reading. As she was laying out the cards, she made a loud "huh" noise of surprise, and said, "Are you in the military?" I told her that I wasn't, and she asked if I had a brother in uniform. Dave is a former Marine, and is a detective and used to wear a uniform as a police officer.
Then she got quiet and asked if I knew of a tall man named Paul or Pete. I shook my head no, and she said that there was a man in the room with a short P name. She said I was connected to him on a spiritual level. My grandfather was always known as "Pap" (my dad's dad).
Then she said my cards showed a lot of relationship aspects. She said that there will be new dynamics with my relationships in the next year.
She asked if I had been married for about three years. I said yes. She asked if his name started with an S. I said it was Steve. Then she said my husband has been struggling with something (stress) for nine months or the ninth month (September). She said there's an issue that he's going through and he's feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. She said it's a work issue (not me) and he's frustrated with other people. The fact that she knew we had been married for three years blew me away. Steve has been dealing with uncertainty at work for a while now.
She then said that I show good strength. My cards indicated that now to the next five months (March) there will be other opportunities with work. It will lead to a new beginning financially and will provide me with better strength and comfort. She said the downside to this is that it could be an inheartance and that's never good. There will be other options coming our way as a couple (as far as financial aspects go). I asked if the work opportunities could be for Steve and she said yes, that it could be for either of us.
Then there was a long pause. She looked a bit confused and asked, "Are you pregnant?" I said I wasn't and she asked if there was any chance that I could be. I said no. Then she said, "Does your husband have a little girl?" I said no and that we didn't have any kids. She said, "Why do I see a little girl around you?" I told her about LOG and she asked how old she was, I said that she was two months. Then she said, "There's an energy of a very small female child around you." She said it helps me draw upon my maternal aspects and my ability to conceive. Definitely weird that she asked if I was pregnant.
Then she said there was a June/Joanne/Joan J female providing me with spirituality and helping with pregnancy. She said it's a two syllable name and could be from my side or Steve's. This person crossed over in 1989. Can't think of anyone...
She asked if Steve or I was going back to school. Then asked if I was a fourth or fifth grade teacher. She said she saw me with older kids, but knew it was fourth or fifth graders. She asked if I had an issue with a male coworker. I said no. She asked if I had a principal that was a man that I had issues with. If not a man, a female with very strong masculine traits. She asked if I had a male boss. I said I did. She said he doesn't seem to get things accomplished and I do get along with him, but he drops the ball a lot and this causes me stress. Crazy that she knew I taught 4th grade AND the whole thing with my boss... nailed it on the head!
She said I was a leader at my school and there will be some changes coming within the next year and these changes will provide me a sense of comfort going into the next year. I am curious to see what this could be....
She then asked if I had any questions, and I said I was mostly interested in family and children issues. She asked if I meant starting my own family or current family members and I said both.
She said that the element of two is very strong in my cards. She asked if I had been to a fertility specialist yet. She also said my not getting pregnant was a result of timing issues. She said I was supposed to be married for three years before getting pregnant, and I'm at that point in my life and it'll happen any day now. Make way with a baby already!!
She said my first born child will be a female and she sees a lot of heightened female energy. She said we will be able to conceive on our own and we will definitely be expanding our family into the new year for sure. She said I could become pregnant soon and asked again if there was any chance of me currently being pregnant. Then she said that as far as the adoption goes, it'll take about three months for things to really get rolling, so if we start in November, we'll know something by the end of January. We shall see!
She said the timing issue has been held up for whatever reason-- and it was not meant to happen right away in my marriage.
Then she asked if there was a Scott in my family. SO WEIRD to name him outright! I said he was my twin brother and she said we were very close spiritually. She asked if he's the one that just had the baby and if he wore the uniform. I said that Dave wore the uniform and she said he needs to be careful driving or where he parks. Something to do with his car and he should just be aware of his surroundings.
Then there was another long pause.
She said, "You said Scott's child is two months old?" I said yes and she said, "And you're sure you're not already pregnant?" She said it was showing Scott having his baby and then a very short period of time, no more than a few months, and then my ability to conceive. She asked if there was any way that I could be pregnant again and said it was so strange to keep seeing me pregnant if I wasn't. I'd like to know why she's seeing me pregnant too!!
She said Scott and his wife (fiance) need to work on communication. She said that he can be argumentative at times and they need to be on the same page with things when dealing with their family. She said they're good for each other, but need to work on the communication if they're going to have a lifetime commitment to each other.
She asked if Steve has been to the doctor for fertility issues. She said she doesn't see either of us having medical reasons for not getting pregnant. It could be stress/timing issues. She said it could also be our home isn't condusive to conceiving and she suggested that we have sex while in Michigan. LOL :)
She said that Steve has some major decisions coming his way and that he makes decisions all day long. He said he has major changes coming at work and he should already know them, but for whatever reason he's been bypassed on the info. She said he'll have different people that he'll be working with/for and new responsibilities. She then said he'll have new networking and business relationships. So very interesting... I'll keep you posted on what we find out!
She said that our sleeping patterns need to be worked on-- one of us is going to bed earlier than the other, and the disharmony isn't good for us. So true!
Rachel said that I picked an excellent person for me and that Steve isn't easily pushed over, but he isn't controlling either. She said we balance each other and he's a good fit. He helps me with my emotions and suits me well. She said we work well as a team and he keeps me grounded and we have the ying-yang balance worked out perfectly. I agree!
Then she said there's spirituality arouhd the whole family and we all have spirits, but I have several spirits acting as spirit guides/guardians.
She said I have an elderly female-- with white hair that's my strongest guide right now. She said this person really loved me as a little kid, and asked if I had any elderly relatives that passed in my twenties. I said both grandmas, and she said she wasn't sure which grandma it was, but it was the short one (not the tall one) and she was really cute-- short and had white hair. She said I have a musical connection with her and she was an interesting woman. My Grandma Ghrist... and we're connected by music. I hear the Beatles and think of her immediately!
She said that since both grandmothers passed, Scott's first-born was a female and my first-born will be female and while they're not reincarnations of the grandmas, they would be a soul replacement and our children would be connected spiritually to the grandmas either by namesake, or other means. LOG is named after my Grandma Ghrist and I plan on my first born being named Coven Lillian, named after my Grandma Ghrist.
That was the end of my session... I was blown away.
Until next time...

Saturday, September 12, 2009
So in the last two days, I've watched two different movies about events that took place in the 1960s. I guess I always knew that the 60s had a lot of problems, but I don't think I ever really thought about, or even really acknowledged just how difficult it must have been to be alive during that decade.
As a kid, I used to love the music of the 60s (I still do as an adult) and would dream of going back in a time machine to experience the 60s for myself. As a child, I never really knew how scary and stressful it must have been to go through all the major events of that decade.
I am going to go through some of the major events of the 60s and share my thoughts and opinions of some. It' my blog... I can do whatever I want!! :)
- Started off with the Greensboro Lunch Counter sit-in at Woolworths... here in NC. I teach my 4th graders about this. This event happened February 1st, 1960 and started similar sit-ins throughout the south.
- May 6th, 1960-- Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1960
- November- JFK is elected President over Nixon
- March 1st, 1961- Kennedy announces the creation of the Peace Corps, and initiates 17 billion dollar nuclear missle program.
- April 25th, 1961- The US invades Cuba at the Bay of Pigs and the mission is a failure
- May 4th, 2961- The "Freedom Riders" begin to enforce integrated transportation in the south
- August 13th, 1961- The Berlin Wall begins to be constructed as a way to separate East and West Germany
- September 15th, 1961- The US begins underground nuclear testing
- October 6th, 1961- Kennedy begins to ask American families to build fallout shelters. I cannot imagine how scary this must have been for all Americans. I'd freak out if Obama came on the television and encouraged me to build one for protection against nuclear war.
- October 22nd, 1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis: Soviets establish missile bases in Cuba, Kennedy orders a naval blockade to divert any missiles from arriving in Cuba.
- November, George Wallace is elected as Governor of Alabama. This is starting to get scary...
- January 1963- Wallace gives his inaugration speech and talks about, "Segregation forever."
- April 3, 1963- Sit-ins and mass protests happen in Birmingham, Alabama
- April 12, 1963- Martin Luther King Jr. is arrested for his part in the protests in Birmingham
- June 11th, 1963- JFK propses the Civil Rights Bill
- June 12th, 1963- Jackson Mississippi, the NAACP Field Secretary Medgar Evers is assassinated inside his home- Beckwith (the assassin) is tried twice and both resulted in a hung-jury
- August 28th, 1963 the March on Washington takes place with MLK's I Have A Dream speech being delivered
- September 15 - Four Black girls are murdered attending Sunday school in the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. A target because it was where there was regular civil rights meetings. As a result Riots erupt in Birmingham, and two more black youths are killed in the violence.
- November 22 - President Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald.
- November 24 - President Johnson escalates American's military involvement in the Vietnam War. Things are only going to get worse from here folks.
- January 8 - President Johnson declares a "War on Poverty" in the State of the Union address thus initiating plans for his Great Society.
- February 9 - The Beatles first appear on Ed Sullivan Show, performing with 74 million people watching them, the largest audience in the history of television. Yay!! The Beatles are here!! :)
- July 2 - President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964, making segregation in public facilities and discrimination in employment illegal.
- The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gives President Johnson authority to prosecute an unlimited war in Vietnam unchecked by Congress. Not sure of the date, but this just seems crazy to me.
- July 18 - There is a Race riot in Harlem, NY
- August 5 - Three civil rights volunteers working to register voters are murdered by southern whites. They first go missing on June 21, but only officially declared missing on August 5. The three voluteers were James E. Cheney, 21; Andrew Goodman, 21; and Michael Schwerner, 24. They been arrested arrested, incarcerated, and then released on speeding charges. Their murdered bodies are found after President Johnson sends military personnel to join the search party. It is later revealed that the police released the three men to the Ku Klux Klan who killed them.
- August 28 - There are Race riots in Philadelphia
- February - Martin Luther King Jr. and 770 other protesters arrested in Selma, Alabama for picketing county courthouse to end discrim voting rights.
- February 8 - U.S. starts bombing North Vietnam. It's officially becoming a "HOT MESS"
- March 6 - First American soldier officially sets foot on Vietnam battlefields, First U.S. combat troops begin fighting in South Vietnam.
- March 7 - In Selma, Alabama, SCLC and SNCC lead marches for voting rights. Blacks begin a march to Montgomery in support of voting rights but are stopped at the Pettus Bridge by a police blockade. Fifty marchers are hospitalized after police use tear gas, whips, and clubs against them. The incident is dubbed "Bloody Sunday" by the media.
- March 16 - Police break-up a Civil Rights demonstration of 600 in Montgomery, Alabama
- March 21 - Martin Luther King Jr. leads march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama joined by 25,000 marchers.
- March 24 - SDS organizes first Vietnam War teach-in at Univ. of Michigan 3000 show up. Teach-ins against the war begin.
- March 25 - Civil rights worker shot and killed by KKK in Alabama
- April - 25,000 U.S. troops stationed in Vietnam
- April 17 - SDS leads first anti-Vietwar march in Washington. 25,000 attend including Phil Ochs, Joan Baez and Judy Collins In Washington, D.C., SDS stages the first large national demonstration against the war.
- July 8 - Chicago school integration protests
- August 10 - Congress passes the Voting Rights Act of 1965, making it easier for Southern blacks to register to vote. Literacy tests and other such requirements that tended to restrict black voting become illegal.
- August 11 - Insurrection in Watts section of Los Angeles Major race riot (6 days) in Watts, leaves 35 dead.
- August 13 - National Guard enters the Watts riots in L.A. in an attempt to stop the riots.
- August 31 - Burning draft cards becomes an illegal and punishable act. Burning draft cards had become a popular protest method against the war. I think my dad had a draft card. In fact, I think he still knows his draft number.
This might just be the one year that wasn't too crazy... but get ready for the rest of the 60s...
- January 27 - US, USSR, UK sign treaty banning nuclear weapons in space.
- February - 25,000 US troops sent to the Cambodian border
- April 10 - Vietnam Week starts. Draft card burnings and anti-draft demonstrations
- Martin Luther King Jr. begins to speak out against the war in Vietnam. This is when the Civil Rights issues meets the Vietnam War issues... you can just see how it can only get worst from here.
- May 19 - First U.S. air strike on Hanoi
- June 30 - The number of US troops in Vietnam reaches 448,400
- July - Rioting throughout the summer in the US. Blacks begin protesting in Chicago, Brooklyn, Cleveland and Baltimore.
- July 11 - Large riots and insurrections in the black ghettos of Newark and Detroit.
- July 24 - Riots in Detroit lead to 43 deaths.
- Oct 20 - Seven KKK members are convicted of conspiracy in the 1964 murders of three civil rights worker.
- October 21-22 - Anti-war protesters march on and storm the Pentagon. "Diggers" exorcise the Pentagon. Overall 35,000 demonstraters are at the pentagon, 647 are arrested.
- December - The number of US troops in Vietnam reaches 486,000. 15,000 soldiers have been killed in the war thus far, the majority, 60% died in 1967.
- January 31 - Viet Cong launch Tet Offensive. The Tet Offensive throughout South Vietnam turns most Americans against Johnson's policy for war in Vietnam.
- March 16 - Massacre of 200 - 500 Vietnamese civilians at My Lai.
- March 16 - Robert F. Kennedy announces candidacy for President.
- April 4 - Martin Luther King shot and killed in Memphis at the age 39. King was shot as he stood on the balcony outside his hotel room. Escaped convict James Earl Ray later pleads guilty to the crime. A moment that changed history forever. I can't imagine how helpless so many Americans must have felt when this happened. If the race war wasn't heated enough, this was sure to ignite the fire even more.
- April - The week following Martin Luther King Jr.'s murder there is as a result black uprisings in 125 cities across the U.S.
- April 6 - Oakland Police ambush Black Panthers. Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver arrested with a bullet-shattered leg, while Bobby Hutton is shot and killed.
- April 11 - President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1968, prohibiting discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing.
- April 15 - Start of Spring Mobilization against the Vietnam war.
- June 5 - Robert Kennedy assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan moments after winning the California primary.
- August 1 - There are 541,000 U.S. Troops in Vietnam.
- August 25-29 - Antiwar demonstration clash with police at the Democratic Convention in Chicago. There were approximately 10,000 demonstrators vs. 11,000 Chicago police; 6,000 National Guard; 7,500 U.S. army troops; and 1,000 FBI, CIA and other services agents. Bystanders and press were also beaten by police in the cross fire.
- November 5 - Richard Nixon narrowly elected President, with Spiro T. Agnew, as his Vice-President.
- November 6 - Student Strike at San Francisco State
- March 20 - James Earl Ray is sentenced to 99 years for Martin Luther King Jr.'s murder.
- April - There is a peak amount of 543,000 US troops in Vietnam
- April 23 - Sirhan Sirhan is sentenced to death for Robert Kennedy's murder .
- April 24 - U.S. B-52s launch the biggest attack yet on North Vietnam. As a result there are protests ensuing around the country.
- July 20 - The Unites States' Apollo 11 lands on the moon, and Neil Armstrong walks on the Moon. Could it be a moment of hope??
- President Nison initiates "Vietnamization" of the war thus decreasing the number of U.S. troops in Indochina.
- August 9 - Sharon Tate & LaBiancas found murdered by Charles Manson & Crew. So scary...
- August 15 - 17 WOODSTOCK Festival 500,000 people gathered for three days of music and peace that changed the world. With so much craziness going on, no wonder everyone when crazy for the weekend. I think I would have too!!
- September 3 - Ho Chi Min, leader of North Vietnam, dies
- September 24 - Chicago Eight trial begins. Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin et al charged with conspiracy to incite riots at the Democratic National Convention.
- October 15 - Declared Peace Day there are 500,000 protesters nationwide is the First Vietnam Moratorium
- October 30 - The Supreme Court orders desegregation nationwide. FINALLY
- November 25 - President Nixon orders all US germ warfare stockpiles destroyed.
- December - The death and injury toll of US troops in Vietnam reaches over 100,000 US troops dead or injured in Vietnam.
- December 1 - First draft lottery since W.W.II held in NYC
So, I watched Manson and Bobby this weekend. Both were excellent, but both really made me thankful that I wasn't alive during this time in history. My parents were, and I have a new appreciation for my mom and dad, and my aunts and uncles. I know the US has its problems now, but I don't know if my generation has really had to experience so much at once. On top of the race war, there was the hippie movement of love, peace, and drugs, and then the craziness of Vietnam, and then so many influential people assassinated. I just can't imagine.
Anyway-- hope you enjoyed the history lesson and my thoughts on the 1960s!!
Until next time...

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009
I've started the 2009-2010 school year and so far I really like my class. I've had a lot of positive things said to me from the parents and even got a standing ovation after I finished my Open House (it was a first!). This is my tenth year of teaching, and yet it doesn't seem possible.
My business, Cat's Custom Classroom Creations has started to take off! I've had four orders placed online (from all over the U.S.) and then many people that I work with have placed orders for various items. It's been really exciting and fun, but a little stressful at the same time. There's only me working on this stuff, and I make everything by hand, so it takes a while to actually complete an order.
I'm about to track out on Friday!! WHOO HOO!! My mom and dad are coming down on Saturday and are staying for a week and then Steve and I are heading to Carolina Beach for a week. We've rented a beach house and are SO excited to get away for a week for our third anniversary.
Scott and Christie asked Steve and I to be the Godparents for LilyAnne... and we're super excited!! We're going to be going to the mitten in October for the Baptism and to visit Steve's family. His dad's wife Sue Ann was just diagnosed with breast cancer (again), so we're going to go up and see them and hope that by October things are better for her than they are now. We ask that you keep them in your prayers as they go through this ordeal together.
Enough from me for a while... I'll write again soon but I need to go to bed!!
Until next time...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Monday, May 04, 2009