Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Day 159

Holy smokes was it a LONG day! Gus woke up this morning at 6 and did not go back to sleep. He was cranky, crying, screaming, and just miserable. He has officially cut his first tooth (it's so tiny)! The second one is coming too, but the one has for sure come through and you can see it. His mouth bled twice today... poor little man.

We played downstairs for a bit this morning and then I put him down around 10:30 for his morning nap.

Totally screaming (playing)

Gus has found his belly and loves to look at it, touch it, and giggles when I say, "Is that your belly?"

I thought for sure that with getting up earlier than usual, Gus would sleep for at least two to two and a half hours... but I was WRONG. He slept for about 45 minutes.

We came down and I fed Gus some lunch (sorta)... he had some bread and loved riding his dino while munching on the bread.

We went over to Wendy's this afternoon. Gus needed a change of scenery and I needed to get out of the house before I went crazy. We had lunch over there and the kids watched a movie.
Gus trying to steal some of Kaitlyn and Ashley's nuggets...

Going in for the grab while they're watching the movie and not paying attention


Ashley was NOT about to let Gus get her drink and kept a firm eye on him...

New toys!!! THANKS WENDY!!!

After the movie, we went upstairs to their playroom and Gus was enjoying himself. The girls weren't really in there with him (they were in K's room preparing for a pretend party). So Wendy and I played "let's play dress-up with Gus." I only wish I had my good camera... we'll have to go over and do it again with my good camera sometime!!

Flaming pink wig!

Not feeling it...

After the wig, we decided to put him in a white bunny ballet costume... I laughed so hard. He didn't seem to care either way about it, but it made me laugh so much my stomach hurt!

NOT happy about a crown on his head

Smiling for a picture!


Then... after that we put him in a Snow White costume!

Lastly, we put him in a purple and black tutu

I put him back in his clothes and let him play for a bit...

Being a daddy

Oooh maraccas!

Yes... Gus and Ashley have an interesting relationship to say the very least. She thinks he's out to get her and doesn't understand that he just wants to be around people... he's not too picky (yet) about who he's around. One day, when he's able to talk and communicate... it's going to be on like Donkey Kong!!

We headed home and I put Gus down for a nap... he got about an hour long nap and then we headed to Mamma Mia's for dinner. YUMMMMM

Tomorrow Kristen and Grace are coming over and then we're going to the pool with Wendy and the girls. It's supposed to be in the high 90s tomorrow... so the pool should feel incredible!!!



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