It's 3:41 and we ate STILL in NC. The movers got here at 9am and have been working non-stop. They haven't even had lunch and I can't imagine how hungry they must be-- especially with moving things and exhausting their energy.
Wendy took Gus this morning but brought him back early... Which totally sucked bc he's been miserable here. It's been a terrible afternoon and there's no end in sight. At 11 they said at least another hour or two... And now it's almost four and they just can't say when they'll be done.
I'm sitting in the car with Gus strapped in his carseat watching Mickey. He was having a tantrum- either from teething, being hungry (he refused to eat breakfast AND lunch) or he's tired from not napping-- or it's all of the above.
I'm exhausted and DREADING a seven hour drive in the dark.
Here are pics from today.
Shopping with Ashley and Wendy
Lunch at All Aboard Pizza
Purry trying to squeeze in and cuddle with Bing and Toebe
Ready to go!!! Who knows when we'll get out of here... I hope it's soon though!!
Posted using BlogPress from my fabulous iPhone
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