Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Year of Gratitude #110

A Year of Gratitude #110: Effort

I did it. I got off my bum after Gus's nap and we took the stroller on its first voyage. LOL. I learned a few thing as I was out with Gus.
  1. I am so incredibly out of shape. I had to stop numerous times on my mile walk. It's sad, but at least I'm doing something to combat it.
  2. I must get the brake fixed on the stroller. I had initially said, "Why would you need a brake on a jogging stroller?" Then I started my first downhill descent and I had a difficult time controlling how fast the stroller was going. My toes were crammed into the tips of my shoes... not comfortable at all.
  3. I need to update my iTunes playlists and sync my phone with these new playlists. My music selection today was not the greatest.
  4. My app that calculates how many calories I burned forgot to take into consideration two things: a) I'm carrying a lot of additional weight on my body-- surely I burned more because I was carrying more weight... right???  b) I was pushing a stroller AND Gus in addition to my walking... AND had a dog thrown into the mix.
  5. My neighborhood is VERY hilly. I didn't realize how steep the hills were until I was working my butt off today.
I didn't think my transition into becoming a jogger/runner would be easy, but after just walking today, I feel like it's a much bigger hill than I had expected. I can only go out and try again and not give up, but man oh man... I kicked my own butt, and all I did was walk.

I got to our driveway and it took all the strength that I could muster to get us up the driveway. I thought I was going to die pushing Gus up the drive!

I don't know if it's normal to finish exercising and be ready to sleep, but I was. I didn't get the "rush of energy" that I assume most people get. I just wanted to take a nap. Maybe that'll change as I get more active and my body adjusts to burning more calories.

All I know is that I gave it an great effort. It's going to be really hard and a long road, but as long as I get out there and try, something positive has to come from it. It's better than just sitting on my butt doing nothing.

I also found that after I finished, I was drinking water and plugging in my info on my phone, and it said I burned like 260 calories. I seriously had a "WTF???" moment. I couldn't believe all the effort it took to only burn 260 calories. Hmmmm...

Anyway. Not sure if walking/jogging/running with friends is a good idea at this early stage. I was so out of breath and had to stop so many time, I don't want to hold someone else up, or feel like I can't stop because of someone else. Maybe I'll get to the point where it's easier and I don't stop as much. Maybe today is as bad as it'll ever be because it was the first day???


mb said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Excellent! :D I love your last sentence, you are right. One thing my dad always told me in cross country was 'mind over miles'... my body didn't want to conceive of trying to run x number of miles, but I knew I could do it and would not listen to my body trying to hold me back. I always think of that when I come up against something that is tough- I just tell myself to do it! You've already proven you are perfectly capable of anything you set your mind to! :) Don't get discouraged!

Banana said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love your determination. Real inspiring. Thanks.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Good for you girl! It will get easier as you go! As for calories burned, that is a bummer, but remember, it is only taking into account your age, weight and height, not the hills and extra weight, so be happy about what it says you have done and be proud that you've actually done more.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

260 is much more than the amount you would have burned just sitting. Today was the first day of setting the stage. It will get easier only if you keep at it. It may take time, but soon that mile will be a piece of cake. Perhaps you should leave the dog at home next time to let you focus on a few less things. Then after a bit add him back into the mix.

You CAN do it.

TTABaby said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

The "rush" will come! Completely understand the WTF moment but you are on the move and no one can stop you now!! They say it takes 20 consecutive times to build a habit... maybe start by counting days? I bet in 20 days you will be jogging more, feeling better, and burning more calories.

btw DH signed me up for the Special Olympics torch run in June- I better get jogging!

Cat's Litterbox said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


You're carrying the torch??!? How incredible!! Congrats to you!! Thanks for the support too-- it means a lot!!

Cat's Litterbox said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

@Heather aka Proud Mama

Thanks Heather-- you're right, 260 burned is better than nothing had I stayed home. Ned wasn't too terrible... he just needs to get into a routine too. It's new territory for all of us!

Thank you for the support!!!

Cat's Litterbox said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

@Kristen Black

Thanks friend!! I actually looked and saw that there's an option for pushing/carrying a 15 pound baby... so I'll try that next time (even though he's almost 30 pounds)!

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