Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Cat's Favorite Things: Children's Books on Adoption

When we started the adoption process back in December of 2009, I had no idea that there were so many children's books on adoption available. Part of why we chose to use Amazon for our baby registry was because I wanted to be able to request things like books for our tadpole. Thanks to so many wonderful friends and family, we were able to get so many great books for Gus that will really help open his heart to what adoption means for him and us.

I made a list on Amazon of all my favorite books and you should definitely check it out if you're interested: My Listmania list 

Here are some of my favorite children's books about adoption:
This book is actually only available on the Kindle right now. However, it's only $2.99 and is amazing!! To purchase, click on the picture and it'll take you directly to Amazon.com.

This is actually a baby book! My mom gave us a baby book and I loved it but when I tried to write in it for Gus, it didn't quite fit because I didn't have sonogram pictures and couldn't write what it felt like to be pregnant with him. As great as it is, it's not what I needed for Gus. So, I was able to get this from a friend. This book is great! It's not quite as detailed as the other one, but it's a great book for anyone who is adopting a child and wants to create a baby book.

This book is a must-have for anyone with an open adoption. It's beautifully written by a birth mother and tells about how much she loved her baby and came to the decision to place her child for adoption. I hope to use this with Gus and read it to him and open the lines of communication about his birth parents. It's a wonderful book!!

This book is also incredible. It's almost as if Jamie Lee Curtis was in my car when we were frantically driving to Michigan. It's prefect because the book is written in a way that you can supplement and change information to create your own story for your child. This is another must-have and the perfect gift for anyone adopting!

All of these books make me cry when I read them. They're beautiful and really are about a parent loving their child. I can't wait to read them to Gus and have him love them as much as I do.

These books are all wonderful and are great for the time when you have to have "the talk" with your child. They're not just for domestic adoption... and the top one (We Belong Together) is about all families, not just adopted ones. It's a great book.

I saved this for last... the title makes me cringe. I DREAD the day that those words come out of Gus's mouth. Not only because most children (adopted or not) go through a sassy phase and they talk-back, BUT because they are words that will sting and hurt more than he'll ever mean for them to. This book is one that will hopefully eliminate that from happening with us and I PRAY that I'm spared the agony of hearing him ever say them to me.

Okay... that's my list! I hope you enjoyed it!!


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