Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 180

So this morning we were supposed to be at a 9am park playdate with my TM (Triangle Mommies) K15 group. Wendy and I were going to ride together, and she was going to come over to load the car seats. Well... I woke up and it was 8:45!!! I had a brief panic come over me, and then I was elated that Gus was actually sleeping and it was almost 9!! 

He went to bed late last night due to waking up from his nap at 6:30. Anyway, I came to my computer and checked my phone, only to see a text from Wendy that said, "Playdate is cancelled due to rain." Ahhhhh... so I leisurely checked my email and went on Facebook and checked my TM account. While I was online, I heard Gus (this was around 9:20) but he didn't make a lot of noise, so I assumed he was still sleeping.

When I finally heard him talking (about 20 minutes later), I decided to go in. When I opened the door... there was Gus, naked from the waist down and poop was on the floor!!!

I had to put a diaper on him, then clean the crib and clean the poop off of him. GROSS!!! What a shitty way to start the day (HAHAHAHA)!! Seriously, if I didn't laugh I would have cried. Plus, it's just poop and it washes out... not that it wasn't gross, but in the big scheme of things, I can take a little poop every now and again.

We went downstairs (poop-laden laundry in hand) and I started the washer... fed Gus and then we played all morning.


I don't know when Gus went from being just a teeny-tiny boy to being big enough to climb onto the couch and play... but it's happened. He's so content to play alone and just be wrapped up in exploring and enjoying his world. I do like to play with him, and he likes it too, but it's fun to just sit back and watch him too.

I put him down for a nap around 12ish... and he slept until 2:10. 

After Gus got up, we had a quick lunch and then headed to the Wal-Mart in Apex with Wendy and the girls. She had to return some things and I wanted to get a few groceries that I forgot to get earlier this week.

When we returned home, there were quite a few packages on my front porch! Our Fry Daddy came (WHOO HOOO) and so did the waffle maker and Gus's ABC bank. Steve's two packages also arrived (the Apple TV and his stylist for his writing app).

I fed Gus some mandarin oranges (which he LOVES and scarfs them down) and mixed fruit while I unloaded groceries. Then Steve got home and he installed the Apple TV and I started the sides for dinner (we had turkey kielbasa in the crockpot with a brown sugar/ketchup/pineapple/teriyaki/soy-sauce glaze).

While I was making the sides, I gave Gus one of the large boxes from today and he loved it. He played with it both before and after he dumped the dogs' water all over the floor!
Steve installing the Apple TV

Then we had dinner, and after, as we were getting ready for bed, Gus decided to dump the water AGAIN. I was NOT happy about it!!! 

Anyway... tomorrow we've got Kristen and Grace coming over for a morning playdate and then we're going with Wendy to KFC for lunch since she has a BOGO coupon for the $5 box. We'll see... I've never had one and not sure what comes in it-- and it's a KFC/Taco Bell... and you know me and Taco Bell.  :)

Earlier today I saw on my ex-brother-in-law's (Lee) FB status that his mom passed away today. It totally shocked me and threw me for a loop. I haven't seen or talked to Ruthann since the divorce (October of 2002- divorce was final in November). She had always been such a wonderful person to me, and while the shit went down with the divorce and my ex deciding to cheat... she had my back. I was the daughter she never had, and I spent 10 years with her as my second mom. 

She had been an alcoholic for YEARS when I met my ex (I was 14). My first impression of her came from when my cousin Mary and I were sitting at a campfire with Chris Lempke (we had just met him and Lee at the KOA while camping back in 1991)... we (being 14 and 13) had been laughing and were quite loud. All of a sudden, this woman (Ruthann) came to the window of the camper and said, "If you fucking kids don't shut the hell up, I'm going to come out there and you'll be dealing with a raging bitch!!!"

She totally scared the shit out of me. Mary and I looked at each other and freaked out and decided it was time to get the flock out of there.

Then, later down the road (like weeks later), I met her again. This time I was just as scared, but she was nice--er.  I began dating Andy (my ex that from now on is going to be referred to as Voldemort--- as that's what Steve and I call both of our ex's... for they shall not be named). I think we were together for about four years and she decided to leave the Catholic church and she became a Baptist. She was even reBaptized (which as a Catholic, we recognize ONE Baptism)... when this happened, she started becoming really religious and stopped drinking. I should specify, she stopped drinking alcohol. Instead, she started drinking coffee like a fiend. Oh, and not just regular coffee, but the super caffeinated Turkish and Middle Eastern blends. She went CRAZY over coffee.

I can remember going shopping with her (which she LOVED to go shopping and would take me with her and buy me a TON of stuff)... and she brought this HUGE coffee maker thing and had it in the trunk so she could refill her GIANT mug between shopping. It was in the trunk. I remember her BLASTING her gospel music, smoking, and drinking coffee.

She was a spicy lady and spoke her mind. If she didn't like you-- you KNEW it. She HATED Voldemort's oldest brother's wife (so did I)... and never liked any of the girls that Lee dated. But she sure as hell loved me. :)

When I went to France and England for World Youth Day... I didn't have any money. She gave me $800 and told me not to worry about it. She was always buying me things, always loved to go places with me, and always stood by me.

When the shit went down with the divorce... I was at her house for Halloween helping her pass out candy. We had been separated and Voldemort had filed for divorce... but it was not final yet. While at her house... having dinner... she said to her husband (Mike)... "She deserves to know." I said, "Know about what?" Mike said, "God damn it Ruth, keep your mouth shut!" Then she said, "I don't care-- she is his wife and deserves to know what he did..." So I was like WTF???? Mike slammed his fists on the table and said, "You can't keep your damn mouth shut can you?!?!?!" and walked into the other room. 

I was totally confused... no idea what the heck she was keeping from me, but my insides turned to mush and I felt like puking. She then told me that while I went to Dayton, OH for my sorority sister Rachel's wedding (that he was supposed to attend with me), he got a hotel room for him and his whore (now wife BTW) and he asked his dad if he could take his mom's Mustang because his POS car wouldn't have made it (and he was afraid that I'd check the mileage).

So his dad told him that he'd have to ask his mom, since it was her car. When he asked her, she flipped out and he ended up borrowing Lee's car instead. She (Ruthann) thought I deserved to know that he had been screwing this chick for quite some time... and she wanted nothing to do with it.

She threw away the relationship with her son to give me that last bit of information. She wasn't everyone's favorite person... and I heard that soon after the divorce, she started drinking again and fell off the wagon. I hadn't seen her or talked to her, but I always sent them (her and Mike) a Christmas card and recently, a birth announcement for Gus. Mike would email every now and then to see how I was, but I never knew anything was different with her.

I am sad that she's gone, but knowing the demons that she had inside her, she's in a better place. She's united with her mother (who passed around 1999 or so) and isn't in anymore pain. Toward the end of my marriage (hahaha- it was like a year total but 11 years of dating), she had started taking Vicodin and all kinds of pills... she had chronic pain. According to Lee's FB status, I think it was related to the chronic pain.


Anyway-- talked to my mom tonight and talked about Ruthann's passing. She told me that she had been looking at Voldemort's FB page... and he had recently been in the hospital. She asked if I was going to send him a FB message about his mom (we're NOT FB friends)... I said no. He's dead to me. But I did send one to Lee and that's good enough for me.

I'm off to bed...
I'll post again tomorrow and will have some pictures of Gus and Grace!


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