Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 257

September 14th, 2010 (one of my favorite pictures)

September 14th, 2011

We had a great day! I'm so thankful that Gus slept until 8 because I didn't get to bed until midnight. I was able to finish my Medical Word Building unit today and got a 96% on the unit exam. I'm now starting Pharmacology... it's surprisingly interesting, so it's not horrendous like I expected. I've got until Sunday to get it finished. I worked more than five hours today (yay)... so I am doing well and staying on-track.

Gus and I didn't go anywhere today and it was fine with us. He only took one nap (not a long one either), but he ate well.

I was on my computer this afternoon and I was feeling stressed... so I let out a heavy sigh and he was standing next to me. All of a sudden, he let out a heavy sigh. It was the funniest, cutest thing ever. :)
Here are pictures from today:

I made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. I wasn't sure if Gus would eat it since the last time I made spaghetti, he refused to try it. Well, thankfully he is past that because he ate almost the entire bowl full of noodles and sauce that we gave him!! He was so funny to watch!!

Here are two videos from dinner:

After had had dinner we cleaned up and then I brought him upstairs for a bath. He absolutely LOVES water and loves to splash around while he plays. He also likes to explore his body parts and Steve and I always say, "Yep... it's still there..." because he likes to grab himself. LOL. I guess it's a boy thing.


The way he's sitting made me laugh!

Tomorrow we're going to Kristen's for our weekly playdate. We might go to the zoo on Friday because it'll be in the low 60s (YAHOO!!!) but it's also supposed to rain, so I'm not sure if we'll be going or not. 

Steve and I are taking Gus to the Holly Springs Farmers Market on Saturday for the Chili Cook-Off and I can't wait to sample!! It's supposed to be cool on Saturday too and then back to the 80s for next week. BOO.

Here are a few other favorites of Gus from a year ago:

The little bean in my arms is Gus! So little!!!

See you tomorrow!!


will + adri said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Haha! Gus eating his "sketti" (as we used to call it) was too funny. However, the funniest thing was him sighing along with you! When I played the video Amelia thought it was me and she kept coming up to my face and turning her head just half way to the side in wonderment! Too funny!

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