Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Day 68

Well... I got to hang with Wendy today so my day was good in that regard. It started off well with Gus sleeping for 13 hours without any interruption (thank God). We came downstairs to play and while we were playing, he stuck his finger into my nose (he was trying to stick them... where else? Yes, my mouth.) and when he went into my nose, he ended up giving me a bloody nose!
It's totally gross that I took a picture isn't it? Well, I had to have some proof and wanted to send the picture to Steve to make him feel bad for me.  :)   It worked.  My nose seriously bled and bled and didn't stop... and then finally it did.

Gus took a 45 minute nap and then when he got up, Wendy came over and we headed to pick up K from pre-school and then we went to Chili's for lunch. They have new lunch combos that are really cheap, and when I checked in with Four Square, I got free chips and salsa for us (FTW!!).

We got done with lunch and went to Wal-Mart and Wendy needed things for their trip to see Ryan this weekend. I ended up spending $40 on stuff that we didn't really need. :(

It was long-past time for Gus to take an afternoon nap, and we came home and Wendy took the girl's home. We headed to her place after I let the dogs out and changed Gus. I made him a bottle and headed to Wendy's so we could watch Black Swan while Gus napped.

Let me just say what a messed up movie!! It was so strange and she was psychotic and never went to the doctor about the things that she was seeing/doing. WEIRDO. It was odd... not the greatest movie ever made and her performance wasn't the best either. Don't get me wrong, she was good, but so much hype has been made about her performance and the movie that I guess I was underwhelmed. Wendy and I joked that the sex scene was the best part of the whole thing. LOL

We came home and Steve was here, so he watched Gus while I made dinner. I decided to make meatloaf with mashed potatoes and corn. It was such a great choice and sooooo yummy. I used to HATE meatloaf and I guess I hate other people's meatloaf, but mine is so good!! :D

I took some videos of Gus tonight. One is of him talking and going to bed, and the other is him taking a few steps (very beginning of the video). I also have one from earlier today with his hammer. He's such a silly little man!!

Here are some pictures from today:
Gus and his hammer
Gus being cute

Sad Gus
Happy Gus
One second crying...
The next he stopped
Here's what a smartie we have on our hands... he's figured out that he can use his dino to step/stand on and then he can climb on the furniture and get on the couch!! YEAH. Not cool. He ends up getting up and then can't figure out how to get down and ends up launching himself off the couch.

As Wendy would say, "Oh me..."


WendyandRyan said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh my goodness!!! I just read your blog and was getting off the phone with my dad and said "oh me".....too funny!! I didn't realize I said that!! :)

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