Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 303

October 30th, 2010

October 30th, 2011

Last night Gus decided to wake up again and interrupt everyone's sleep. I can't blame him... he's teething big time and has like four coming in at one time. Since he can't tell us that his mouth hurts, he has to cry to let it be known. Poor little man.

Today was a lazy Sunday indeed and it was wonderful. Gus and Steve watched football and cheered loudly when the Bengals scored each time. They won, and it made for a happy evening. The Lions are doing an excellent job this season and I'm hoping they'll go to the playoffs and even the Super Bowl! Wouldn't that be something?!?!?

I'm making a list (and checking it twice) of the things needed for Friday. I'm also trying to get organized for the weekend house-hunting extravaganza. Haven't heard anything from our realtor in a few days... I've been sending links up the wazoo and he hasn't replied. Not sure what the deal is... I've come to the conclusion that some people shouldn't be in real estate. If you don't like helping people, don't like the internet, and don't have a way of communicating with others-- DO NOT GO INTO REAL ESTATE!!! My goodness!

Here are some pictures from today:
Ham, egg, and cheese bagel sandwiches for breakfast (so yummy)

Eating a banana like a big boy!!

We heard a loud CRASH!!!! and went up to investigate... this is what I found.

Ready for bed Batman???

Batman climbing the crib to get into bed

Batman and daddy  :-)

I'm excited for Halloween tomorrow! It's one of my favorite holidays and I can't wait to see the trick-or-treaters! I'm taking Gus grocery shopping with me tomorrow morning and and then there's a handy-man coming and a power-washer guy coming. Gotta get the house fixed up before we move!!

I'll see you tomorrow!! Here are some pictures of Gus from last year... wearing the avaitor sunglasses onesie that I won!



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