Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 345

Gus is 19 months today!! It's the first time that I wasn't able to get pictures of him with his sticker for him 19 months!! I'll take some tomorrow!


We got up around 7:00 and pretty much got started unpacking right away.

We worked separately... Me in the kitchen and Steve in the master. The unpacking was awful. Five sheets of paper wrapped a single small coffee mug. It was torture and I made a giant, overwhelming pile of boxes and paper.

Steve moved into the office to hook up our computers and I went up and unpacked the rest of Gus's room and his bathroom.

Then I came down and worked on the dining room for a bit.

At 11, I put Gus down for his nap and came down and Steve and I worked together on the kitchen and rest of the dining room.

Gus ended up sleeping until 3:00!! Gotta love a four hour nap!! We were able to get the kitchen, dining room, and office done!!! I'm missing a box from
Gus's room, his bathroom, the stuff from our pantry, our pans, and I think that's it for now.

After Gus got up and we finished unpacking, we took showers and headed to Home Depot.

Then we headed to a place called Taco Mex for dinner. I had the best fish-n-chips! It's a sportsy-type place with TVs all over. We watched the Denver game... Very exciting to see them tie with a 59 foot field goal!!

After dinner we headed to Target to get things that we couldn't find at Home Despot.

We're in bed for the night- totally exhausted and sore. I'm praying that I can move tomorrow! I'm unpacking the living room, decorating the tree, and unpacking our bedroom and bathroom.

See you tomorrow!

Posted using BlogPress from my fabulous iPhone


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