Saturday, February 18, 2012

Another Long Day

This morning we made eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast and it was deeelicious! I had a nail appointment at 11:00am, so while I went for that, Steve and his dad stayed here with Gus. Steve tried to put him down for a nap, but he wasn't having it.

When I got home, we had lunch and then it was time for Gus's nap. I was able to make a new sign for the door... I like it. I just need Steve to put up a hook outside so I can hang it.
Since I STILL cannot find my laminator, I had to use tape on it to give it some protection from the elements.

After Gus woke up, we headed out for dinner. Here are some pictures taken before we left the house:
Checking out the scene outside

Enjoying some applesauce

In the bathroom with me

Such a sweet little face. This was mere seconds before he decided to hit me. Yeah... so not cool. He went into a minute time-out for that choice  :-(

Dinner was good. Don't think I'll go back anytime soon, but it wasn't horrible.
My Chicken Marsala

Gus enjoying his bread and cheese ravioli (that was $12... yeah... we thought we were getting the child's menu "any pasta" item, and apparently cheese ravioli isn't included in the "any pasta" list)
We headed home and had a package waiting for us. Gus's Mr. Potato Head arrived and so did his travel magnet doodle board.

Gus's scribbles

See you soon!!


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